Kyousuke Hyoubu

Kyousuke Hyoubu

Birthdate: 1930 Apr 15
Age: 80
Gender: Male

Hyoubu is the immature and somewhat sadistic leader of PANDRA -- an all-esper criminal organization that aids fellow espers and seeks to create a world where their kind can leave peacefully. Initially introduced as an antagonist in the series, he eventually becomes more of an antihero and a main character. His level is immeasurable and has the power of psychokinesis, teleportation, psychometry, telepathy, and hypnosis. He controls the telomeres in his body, retaining the appearance of a 15 year old. Knowing that The Children will have a pivotal role in the impending Esper-Normals War, he is usually seen trying to convince them to join his cause.

During World War II, he joined the military's esper unit with his foster sister Fujiko. Hyoubu developed a familial bond with his commander, but was betrayed by him at the end of the war. He survived the multiple gunshots and grew an undying hatred for normal humans, eventually taking revenge on every person involved with the development of the esper unit.
