

Birthdate: Aug 1
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Height: 155 cm

Pierre Bichelberger is a young foreign prince who worked as a mascot in an amusement park handing out balloons. It was a job well suited to him, as mascots aren't required to speak (Pierre's Japanese is less than perfect) but are still able to make people happy. He loves to make people smile, and decided a career change to an idol was a natural next step with Minori's help. The two of them afterwards recruited Kyoji to join the unit, and the trio of Beit was born.

Pierre came to Japan because of a throne dispute between his two older brothers which resulted from the sickness of his father. This made it unsafe for Pierre to stay in the country, and thus he moved to Japan under the guise of studying. It is never made clear what his home country is. Despite the conflict in his family, Pierre still retains his innocent and optimistic personality as well as his desire to give people happy smiles.
