

Gender: Male

Race: Fallen Angel
Ranking: Governor General of the Fallen Angels
Affiliations: Kuoh Academy (Teacher), Occult Research Club (Advisor)

It is hard to determine Azazel's personality, as he is laid back and serious, also wise and insane, all at the same time. Azazel is a research fanatic, especially on Sacred Gears. He is also pacifistic, preferring to talk his way out of troubles rather than resorting to violence. He has been shown to care deeply for his fellow Fallen Angels, Shemhazai and Baraqiel. He is also very charismatic, able to endear his Fallen Angel followers. Azazel also has complicated feelings on the fact that many of his friends and acquaintances are all married and have a family. It is suggested that Azazel is a pervert, with his fondness for breasts, and the fact he has stated to have had harems over the millennia. Not to mention his stated reason for becoming a Fallen Angel all those millennia ago was lust.

(Source: Highschool DxD Wiki)
