Akeno Sakagami

Akeno Sakagami

Birthdate: Oct 23
Gender: Female

Grade-Class: 1-E
Club Name: Tea Ceremony Club
Height: 148cm
Weight: 38kg
Family Composition: Father, Mother, Younger brother
Hobbies: Cooking, Knitting
Likes: Her Friends, Her Pet Dog
Dislikes: Ghosts, Violence, Peppers

Has Boyfriend: Yes
Boyfriend's Name/Class: Toaki Kitagawa / 1-E
Time in Relationship: Eight months
Virgin / Not Virgin: Virgin

Proper, serious, and studious, she ranks up near the first or second in popularity in her school year. A natural-born maneater since she was a kid. Believes in "doing anything if it's for my lover's sake," and while she doesn't tend to take firm action herself, she has unlimited capacity to answer to her partner's desires. Likely would do any perverted play imaginable, even while embarrassed, if asked. The only reason her relationship hasn't advanced in eight months of dating is simply because she "hasn't been asked." While Tomoaki has wanted to do things with her, he hesitates about defiling her when she looks back at him with her pure eyes. Through sexual counseling her natural talent blossomed, and she took to Hajime Tanaka's teachings like a duck to water. She understands instinctively what places are pleasurable for men and what they want her to do, and she is especially skilled at fellatio.

She has a complex about her child-like face and body, so she holds strong desires to be more of a stylish adult woman.
