Akina Hiizumi

Akina Hiizumi

Birthdate: Mar 3
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Species: Human
Height: 173 cm
Occupation: Oyakume

Akina Hiizumi is the director of the Hiizumi Life Counseling Office and the successor of the Hiizumi Clan.

He is usually cheerful, light-spirited, kind and cordial to people around him, and diplomatic and polite in stressful situations. His kind approach to people although might be natural, seems also to derive from a structured ethical intelligence, that he urges to build up. In spite of being oblivious to girls who have crushes on him, he is very observant when a friend is in need and will approach them in a light and encouraging mood. When a crucial moment comes, he is not afraid to speak his mind even angrily to demand justice and to defend his friends, and so he is courageous.
