Ayato Sakamaki

Ayato Sakamaki

Birthdate: Mar 22
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Race: Vampire
School Grade: 2nd year
Height: 174 cm

Ayato is the 5th child and the youngest of the triplet of the fraternal twins (the others being Kanato and Raito). He is a prankster and a very narcissistic boy, always claims to be number #1 in everything. He also has a passion for torture devices; such as the Iron Maiden that can be found in his room, which he uses as a bed (the spikes are removed). It is also noted that he eats a lot (only if it is his favorite food takoyaki and gets very angry if someone eats his food), although Ayato stated that vampires need to drink blood to savor the taste.

He's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru in the Drama CD.
