

Gender: Female

A member of Faerie Britain's Knights of the Round Table. A Fairy Knight who assumed the name of the Saint Graph of Gawain who belongs to the Greater Human History's Knights of the Round Table. While she hails from the 'Fang Clan' renowned for their strong bodies, her Saint Graph is humanoid appearance-wise. The most feared Fairy Knight in Fairy Country. She's known as "Gawain the Loving" and "Gawain the Glutton". Her name as a fairy is Barghest. That is the name of a sprite that appears in the Northern parts of England in the Greater Human History. It appears in the form of a chained dog with burning horns and eyes. In the cities, it is also a fairy that informs of death and is said to appear when someone dies. When a person with an important role in the city dies, it will bring many subordinates (dogs) with it and march through the streets. Outside the cities, it transforms from a sprite that announces death to a fairy that brings death and will roam the plateaus. It is said to eat travellers it meets. In the legends about the fairy folk passed down throughout England, it is thought to be a kind of Black Dog.
