

Gender: Female

Anita is an upper class woman sitting in the same train as Melone. She's arrogant and spoiled, as she complains about the noise from other passengers and calls them peasants. Melone asks how her health is and snoops through her bag to find an ID, discovering that she's 24 years old and was born on March 10, 1977. She slaps him and says she's going to call security, but Melone licks her finger and determines that she has an O blood type, and is also rather strong for a woman her age. Anita reveals that her family has high connections with the police and government and wouldn't let what Melone did slide. Melone finds out that she has bad compatibility with Bruno Bucciarati and is also a smoker that drinks, making her a perfect parent for Baby Face along with Bucciarati's DNA.

In three minutes and three seconds, she "conceives" the homunculus Stand, likely in in her head or neck, which quickly learns from her vulgar language after she states her intent of wanting to murder Melone and insults the train conductor. Baby Face later urinates all over Anita's back, causing her to believe that the train is filthy. Just as she runs out of the train to find a witness in order to sue the railway company, Baby Face kills her by breaking her body apart into several cubes.
