


Founder of the Hashshashin sect and the 1st to take the name Hassan-i-Sabbah and the mantle of Old man of the Mountain.

Nothing is known of his original identity or his existence, not even to the other Hassan successors.

King Hassan chose to serve as a Judge, observing the Hashshashin sect and its leaders, assuring they were always respecting the old doctrines. If the current leader strayed from the path or was too weak, in body and mind, King Hassan would come to reclaim their head, to ensure the Sect's survival.
To adhere to the noble task of an Assassin of Assassins, he doesn't use hidden weapons but he's clad in armor and wields a greatsword, fighting the enemy head-on.

As the wielder of the title of Grand Assassin and being the peak of this Class, King Hassan has become as one with Death itself.
