Chester Ray Galford

Chester Ray Galford

Age: 30
Gender: Male

Affiliation: Kingdom of Lyferia - Faltra City (Feudal Lord)
Species: Human+

He's even more condescending, arrogant, and spiteful than Diablo. In addition, he's horribly racist, sexist, and petty, but he is an officially recognized hero who had a major role in the defeat of Demon King of the Brain, Enkvaros 30 years ago, in-universe, and does put the well being of the citizens of Faltra first. ​He constantly looks down on adventurers as a whole, especially Diablo. He's quick to insult and belittle them at any opportunity, despite the fact that the city only exists because the adventurer's guild took the demonic being attack head-on, while he was in his mansion doing nothing, and constantly go into danger to deal with threats that the local knights can't handle.
