Chiyoko Sonoda

Chiyoko Sonoda

Birthdate: Feb 24
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Height: 149 cm
Hometown: Chiba
Hobbies: Touring sweet shops

Chiyoko is a second year in high school and a girl you could find in any classroom. She has a bright personality, is easy to make friends with, and loves sweets. She decided to brand herself as a chocolate-loving idol because of the similarity with her name.

In general, Chiyoko is a really cheerful girl, but she thinks that, unlike her unit friends, she lacks personality and character and wants to find some sort of individuality for herself. The producer first met her when she auditioned and later, when they met again, he says that Chiyoko's smile is her charm point as an idol, which surprises her a bit since she sees herself as "normal". They then decide that chocolate would suit her as an "idol type".

Despite her insecurities she can also be mature and reliable, especially when it comes to helping her unit friends. As part of her idol activities, she researches about sweets in various restaurants and seems to be skilled at cooking. She does worry about her figure at times, but because of her love for sweets and her chocolate idol identity it doesn't stop her from eating chocolates.
