Chun Wang

Chun Wang

Age: 18
Gender: Male

Height: 182 cm (6’)

Olly Wang used to go to the same cram school as Sally Park and Heather. He was a smart kid whose immigrant parents pushed him to extreme lengths to be a good student. His parents were so overbearing that he felt like he was driven to insanity.

Olly became obsessed with Eli Jang after witnessing him destroy Backdoor. He did anything to get Eli's attention, stealing from minors and even robbing his own house. When Gun decided to destroy Hostel, Olly advocated for them and Gun decided to let them go, on the condition that Hostel becomes one of the four crews.
His reckless behavior and choices can be attributed to the fact that he cannot feel pain or emotions. This inability to feel anything also contributes to his obsession with Eli Jang because he believes that Eli is the only one who has made him feel anything previously,
