Circe Steinhoff

Circe Steinhoff

Birthdate: 1959 May 1
Age: 23
Gender: Female

Height: 166cm (5' 5")
Nationality: West German
Affiliation: German Bundeswehr (51st Tactical Armored Battalion "Huckebein")
Rank: Leutnant (2nd Lt.)
TSF: F-5G Tornado

Circe Steinhoff is a Bundeswehr pilot from Bonn, West Germany. She has the aura of a cool beauty, but speaks with a sharp tongue and can get caught up in her emotions easily. Circe's bluntness and objectivity to both allies and enemies draws her ire with some and favor with others. In the Huckebein Battalion, Circe is loved and the butt of many jokes made by Commander Balke.

She hates East Germany for a variety of reasons and has prejudice towards its people for participating in the DDR's society. Despite her prejudice, she desires to protect her family and friends from the BETA, and believes working together with East Germany is the best way to achieve that.
