Coby Hansen

Coby Hansen

Age: 14
Gender: Male

Height: 165cm

A young boy who ends up befriending the Cybertrons. Although his grades at school are rather poor, he's a remarkably talented mechanic, even managing to repair Guardshell when he crash-lands on Earth. Despite feeling overwhelmed by numerous things in his life, including a somewhat unsteady relationship with his family, he's very compassionate, seeing machines as living beings that deserve respect and care.

He has an older brother named Tim and his younger brother is Bud. He's also friends with Lori.

At one point he gets his hands on the remains of a red Rumble (Scrapmetal in the US dub) drone and personally converts it into Coby's Exclusive Rumble (コビー専用ランブル, also known as Cobybot in the US dub), a mech which he ends up piloting.
