


Dageki is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with a lean, blue body and rocky skin. Its head is oblong-like and low on its shoulders, with an ornate sideways z-shaped black feature that forms its nose and its left brow. Its hands and feet each have three digits, with its feet and toes coming to a sharp point. It wears a light blue karate gi with a black, v-neck collar that extends down to its black belt. Dageki will tie this black belt to increase its power. The gi has an intricate diamond pattern on its sleeves and a black, square patch on the bend of its knees.

Dageki is found secluded in the mountains where it trains to increase its strength. It becomes angered if it is interrupted while training. A Dageki that has trained to its fullest potential has enough power to cleave oceans with a single karate chop.

(Source: Bulbapedia)
