

Gender: Male

Enormous in both size and power, Trypticon is an unstoppable engine of destruction. Utterly relentless, totally without mercy, steadfastly unwilling to stop his attack until all that is left of his target is their smoldering remains, he is programmed only to feel hate. That, however, is also Trypticon's downfall—for all he can do is hate. He loathes the Autobots to the extent that he would destroy an entire city just to get at one, but he also hates his fellow Decepticons, and that, in turn, means he is not emotionally committed to their cause, as he sees just as little value in them and what they stand for as he does in anything else. Consequently, though he has accepted what he sees as his fated role as the ultimate Decepticon weapon, the war seems pointless and boring to him. It is a prison... and deep down, as much as he refuses to acknowledge it, the most powerful hatred Trypticon feels is hate for himself, for allowing him to be trapped in it.
