

Gender: Male

Duston is a member of Chaldea Security Organization in Fate/Grand Order.

Duston was a physicist who studied cosmic rays and worked on particle accelerators, scraping by to make ends meet. He was recruited by Marisbury Animusphere as an engineer for Chaldea fifteen years prior to the destruction of Chaldea at the end of 2017. Skeptical of Marisbury's words, he eventually agreed to take the position due to Marisbury's passion and earnestness for the project.

Duston has a dislike of Olga Marie Animusphere, viewing her as incompetent and constantly angry. He does think she held up well with everything despite her personality, thinking that they should have been more considerate of her circumstances and feeling sorry over the current state of Chaldea as of Goredolf Musik's takeover. As a normal human, he dislikes when "upstart mage jerks" make particular comments. He has come to view Chaldea as his home after spending fifteen years there.
