Erich Schmidt

Erich Schmidt

Birthdate: Jul 6
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Nationality: East German
Affiliation: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit
Rank: Major General

Minister of East Germany's Ministry for State Security. Erich Schmidt displays himself as a charismatic person to persuade and ensure the public that the Stasi rule is just. However, his subordinates know Schmidt as a cold and paranoid individual who will not hesitate to persecute anyone he deems as more dangerous and useful if he feels his dictatorship is in question.

The Minister came into power after the previous Minister mysteriously died. Since taking power, Schmidt used the deteriorating situation with the BETA and growing discontent among the populace to move the Stasi into a more militant role, putting the fear in the hearts of the DDR's citizens though more brutal and direct means. Schmidt runs the Stasi as his own personal army, and is trying to make the DDR as his own fiefdom.
