

Gender: Female

Race: Narehate

Throughout the series, Faputa has displayed several abilities:

- Unbound: Unlike the other Narehate, Faputa is not able to enter the village of Ilblu and can instead move freely around the rest of the 6th layer.
- Physical Strength: Faputa is extremely agile and possesses an impressive amount of physical strength, being able to restrict Reg with only two hands.
- Transformation: Faputa appears to have attributed transformative abilities, as seen when Faputa's white hair and fur envelop her, which enables her to travel through the air in a ghostly manner similar to smoke. She can also transport others with her in this state, given that they are small enough for her to grab hold of and envelop. Furthermore, she displayed to be able to adjust her form.
- Immortality: While in the vicinity of the village's boundary, Faputa can have her wounds healed by the same thick dark gooey liquid Juroimoh used after his transformation, which she proclaims to be her siblings and it continuously heals injuries she sustains while she is in range of it. She also seems to be unable to die, as well as being capable of healing her injuries by consuming a creature's flesh regardless of it being from outside of Iruburu.
