

Gender: Female

A fair-skinned figure wearing a blue kimono with white bubbly markings towards the lower edges. Around the waist is a golden-yellow obi that's tied into a bow on the back, with matching straps on her blue zōri.

She has turquoise eyes and long, dark-blue hair with frosted tips worn up with the Glacial Clip in a way that resembles a tiara. She is usually floating in the air.

In the games, Blizzaria seems to have a clingy personality. Her befriended and traded quotes suggest she wishes to be friends with the player forever.

In the anime, Blizzaria is more brusque. She is incredibly friendly, to the point where she insists open being invited to the heat-themed Yo-kai's get-togethers and doesn't believe if she likes it hot or cold in temperature. However, due to her immense power, she often ends up overwhelming them with her ice powers without meaning to or seeming to realize it. (Source: Yo-kai Watch Wiki)
