


He was once a defense attorney working under Marvin Grossberg, and eventually Mia Fey's lover. Diego is cocky, self-assured, and very skilled. He likes to tease and refers to beautiful women as his "kittens." When push comes to shove, however, he is very dedicated to putting criminals behind bars. Personality: Most everything about Godot is a mystery. In court he is smug, precise, and unrelenting. Though not as "cruel" as the Karmas, he's a formidable opponent who regularly demeans the defense. He also has a deep grudge against Phoenix personally. Godot drinks coffee constantly. He's been known to drink up to 17 cups during a single trial (never more than that), and has an untold number of various personal blends. Godot purposefully mispronounces Mr. Wright as Mr. Trite to show his disdain for him (Naruhodou as "Maruhodou" in Japanese). Godot's catchphrase is "That's my rule." Friends and Family: Unknown Name Origin: "Godot" comes from the name of a famous play, "Waiting for Godot." The "t" is silent. It is pronounced "Go-doh."
