Hahari Hanazono

Hahari Hanazono

Birthdate: May 12
Age: 29
Gender: Female

Type: MILF
Occupation: High School Chairwoman
Debut: Chapter 17

Girlfriend No. 006

Hakari's mother.
Hahari appears as a very mature and sophisticated woman, until she sees something cute. She has an uncontrollable love for cute things, including children, as well as Rentarou and his family. When she sees something she finds cute, she may start drooling. Like her daughter, she is also a pervert towards Rentarou as she is shown to have perverted fantasies about him.
She is incredibly wealthy, and willing to throw her money around to get what she (or Rentarou) wants. Although she fell in love with Rentarou, Hahari still deeply loves her deceased lover. She feels guilty about falling in love again until Rentarou comforts her and assures her that there is nothing wrong with loving more than one person.
