Hajime Shino

Hajime Shino

Birthdate: Jul 15
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Unit: Ra✽bits
Club: Tea Club
Circles: BIBLION, FLAVOR, Gardenia

Though his appearance may cause him to be mistaken for a girl, Hajime is fairly strong. He is selfless and friendly, but can be slightly shy. His singing voice is like that of a bashful maiden's, and his performances are reserved and delicate.
Affiliated with RHYTHM LINK’s Ra*bits.

Bright and idealistic, Hajime is a positive individual who tries to see the good in every person and situation he encounters. He is a hard worker, polite to everyone he meets, and always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Although he grew up very poor, he has always been grateful for what he has, treasuring his relationships with his family and friends in particular. He is a humble person who appreciates the simple things in life (such as bread crusts, flowers, and tea), and other characters often comment that it does not take very much to make him happy.

Hajime is kind, gentle, and altruistic, always doing whatever he can to put others at ease. He has been described as having a calming presence, and due to his compassionate and non-judgemental nature, other characters often confide in him with their insecurities that they might otherwise try to hide. Hajime is also an incredibly sensitive person, and in difficult situations he tends to put people’s feelings before any practical considerations. He has a strong dislike of conflict and expresses a genuine desire to get along with everyone, something that fortunately comes easily to him due to his friendly and considerate personality.

Although Hajime’s motivations for helping people are largely selfless, he also has a personal desire to be seen as a good person. As someone who thrives on positive feedback, he always wants to feel like he is appreciated and actively looks for ways to be praised more. He is grateful for all the support he receives from his friends, family, and fans, and his main reason for working hard both as a person and as an idol is so that he can repay their love.

Despite his usual positive attitude, Hajime quickly becomes shy and nervous around people he's unfamiliar with, often citing his social anxiety as the cause of this. He can get very anxious in stressful situations, panicking and sometimes even fainting from shock. To help combat his anxiety, Hajime always carries around aromatic lavender sachets as he finds their scent calming. This is not without its own problems, however - Tomoya has mentioned that the way Hajime is always sniffing at his lavender sachets may come off as strange. This is not the only slightly eccentric aspect of Hajime’s personality; he is known to be somewhat scatterbrained and is prone to daydreaming, sometimes getting caught up and carried away with his own fantasies. Hajime is also a highly emotional person and has been described as a “crybaby,” getting tearful not only when he's upset or scared, but also when he's happy.

(Source: The English Ensemble Stars Wiki)
