Hibari Oozora

Hibari Oozora

Birthdate: Mar 3
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Hibari is the only biological son of a Yakuza boss, who identifies as female and has three sisters. She presents female publically, much to her father's disdain - he calls her a pervert (hentai) for this reason. Hibari is characterized by her beauty and wit, and she is also able to beat nearly everyone in a fight. Hibari falls in love with Kohsaku (the main hero) as soon as she sees him, and continues to tease her even after Kohsaku learns that Hibari is physically male and thus rejects her. Hibari is also the idol of her school, and she is excellent both in sports and grades. She has as main - unrequited - admirer Shiina, one of her classmates.
