Hifumi Ajitani

Hifumi Ajitani

Birthdate: Nov 27
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Height: 158 cm
Academy: Trinity General School
Year: 2nd Year

An emotional and sensitive girl in the Supplementary Lesson Department of Trinity General Academy. Despite her average grades and appearance, Hifumi's gentle and kind personality has gained her popularity. While she will gladly lend an ear to those with problems, she has a tendency to be swept up in the moment and unintentionally cause trouble.

Hifumi is notably very kind and friendly even to strangers to a point of willing to assist them (even going along with their shenanigans without protesting). The most unusual thing about her at first glance is her obsession with Momo and Friends, specifically Peroro. She's willing to risk her life and comfort in order to do anything Peroro, with the prime example being willing to go to the Black Market to get limited-edition merchandise.
