Hiro Tsukiyama

Hiro Tsukiyama

Age: 13

Occupation: Member of SIRRUT, skilled computer hacker

Personality: Hiro is a lovable young girl, who apparently has an obsession with Alice in Wonderland (judging by her clothes, the design of her desk, and her stuffed rabbits). She doesn't talk much, often too concentrated on hacking to pay attention to anything else. She also cares deeply for Mana Hiiragi, who taught her everything she knows about hacking. She is a skilled computer hacker with a love for all things lolita.

Appearance: She is a young girl with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes. She has a blue and white blouse with a blue skirt with a pink ribbon attached to it. She has blue and white striped socks as well as brown and pink shoes.

Abilities - Hacking: Hiro is capable of hacking from two computers simultaneously using her hands and feet.
