Hoho Kajino

Hoho Kajino

Birthdate: Aug 8
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Birth Date: August 8
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 51 kg

Hoho is a manager for Rat Productions and a totally unreliable adult.

A twenty-five-year-old employee for the Rat Productions agency, Hoho is a manager who represents individuals wishing to make it big in the entertainment world. She is also the caretaker of a company dorm called Nezumi House, where her talents Roko, Hayu, and Nina also live. However, because the three never found work while staying there, a decision was eventually made by the company to sell off the dorm.

With even her own living situation at stake, Hoho quickly rounded up an idol prospect named Ino and brought her to Nezumi House. She would then reveal to the girls that they had to form a new idol group - Fruit Tart - to earn money in order to keep the dorm afloat. Hoho would also film their late-night variety show, Ochikobore Fruit Tart, using a simple camcorder.

Despite being a grown woman, Hoho tends to act immature for her age, and her slovenly, beer-drinking habits can sometimes cause friction with the girls. She resents her childhood friend Riri for being more talented than she is, having quickly earned the position of a full-fledged producer. Although cunning in her strategies to make money using Fruit Tart, Hoho often neglects to consider the consequences of her decisions, leading to situations that sometimes end with failure, or that are simply demeaning for the girls. Nevertheless, Hoho actually cares about the girls deep down and tries her best to help them succeed, using whatever she can reasonably afford to do so.

(Source: Dropout Idol Fruit Tart Wiki)
