

Birthdate: Jan 3
Age: 38
Gender: Male

Height: 199 cm (6'6")
Affiliations: Galley-La Company; Tom's Workers (former)
Origin: Water 7 (Grand Line)
The president of the Galley-La company, Iceburg is currently 38 years old. He is loved by the people of Water 7, especially by all of his workers. They enjoy his company and often ask for his opinion and input on anything having to do with building ships. Iceburg at times seems to have two different personalities. Sometimes, he acts in a very childish way, canceling all of his meetings so that he can show people around, refusing to meet with people because he doesn't like them, finding animals on the ground and taking care of them, and other such behaviors. He currently has a mouse that he named "Tyrannosaurus". However, when the time comes, he can be very serious, and it becomes clear that his childishness is only when he is relaxed.

(Source: Wikipedia)
