Iori Katanagi

Iori Katanagi

Birthdate: Oct 15
Gender: Male

Height: 170 cm (5'7")
Affiliation: Nabari
Occupation: Shaman, Student (2nd Year)

Iori Katanagi is a powerful shaman and the protagonist of Phantom Seer.

He is initially presented as being very selfish in character, stating immediately to Riku Aibetsu that the rumours about him going out of his way to help others were false when she first questions him about them and telling her that he only ever does things for himself. He's often rude when talking to others, sarcastically complimenting people without a care for what they'll think of him as a result, and becoming angry when he's made to do things he doesn't want to do.

Iori's shaman powers are based on shadows and are channelled through the Shadow Demon, Ongyoki.
