Ju Fa

Ju Fa

Birthdate: Sep 1
Age: 1000
Gender: Male/Female (Prefer the Male gender)

Race: Tensen
Tao Attribute: Fire
Occupation: Partial Ruler of Kotaku
Affiliation: Lord Tensen, Xu Fu

Ju Fa is a member of Lord Tensen, as well as one of the rulers of Kotaku.

Ju Fa is very short tempered and has aggressive tendencies towards anything that irritated him at the slightest, which also applied to his fellow Lord Tensen members. While its true that all members of Lord Tensen have a negative view on humans, Ju Fa is the one that truly despises them with a passion and believes that they are nothing more than "livestock".

He is very protective of Tao Fa since they had been by each others side from the moment they were born, because of that Rien stated that the two were special in that they are in fact two of a whole. Despite their ability to heal themselves, Ju Fa hated when Tao Fa got hurt and was told that he cared greatly for Tao Fa as his partner.

Ju Fa found the male gender to be well-suited for him because of his moods and how he is able to easily handle situations.
