Kaede Nagase

Kaede Nagase

Birthdate: 1988 Nov 12
Gender: Female

Seat Number: 20
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Light brown
Likes: Pudding, Relaxing
Hates: Frogs
Attached to: Strolling Club
Notes: Ninja

Kaede Nagase is a fictional character from the manga series, Negima! Magister Negi Magi. She is student number twenty-one in Negi Springfield's class. Nagase is a practitioner of the Japanese martial art, ninjutsu. She trains in the mountains and is able to use a wide range of ninja abilities, such as creating clones. She has an easy-going attitude, and spends most of her time with her eyes nearly closed. Only in special situations does she open one eye, and in some cases both eyes. She is also the blue Baka Ranger, which in the anime is made up of 5 girls with the lowest grade averages in the class.
