


Karauri is a reliable, level-headed young demon. Even though he looks like a little kid, due to the fact that he derives from a gnome race, Karauri is actually an young man. His attire is made of 100% cotton fabrics, because he has a sensitive skin. Someday he hopes to work in Shugou Hell.

Karauri is Nasubi's best friend and often serves as the straight man to Nasubi's eccentric antics. He is responsible and level-headed, rarely getting distracted from the job at hand unless Nasubi does something stupid.
He can get very annoyed and exasperated with the more childish and goofy Nasubi whenever the later makes illogical remarks or actions, but the two minions share an almost brotherly bond. Karauri admires Nasubi's artistic skill though he admits to being unable to understand and appreciate them like Hoozuki does.

(Source: Hoozuki no Reitetsu Wikia)
