Kenjirou  Minami

Kenjirou Minami

Birthdate: Aug 18
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Kenjirou has a bright and innocent (if not naïve at times) personality. He is very supportive of Yuuri and his opponents during their FS program performances and is shown to be wanting to try new things, such as wanting to try performing a quad even though he has never landed one before. He is also very energetic and can get nervous in stressful circumstances, as seen when he is about to perform his FS program.

Kenjirou treats Yuuri as his idol and strives to be just like him, taking every gesture from Yuuri to heart. He has a habit of letting his emotions get the best of him, especially when he is happy or in the presence of someone he looks up to.

(Source: Yuri!!! On Ice Wikia)
