Kintarou Arisugawa

Kintarou Arisugawa


A classmate of Yumi's brother (Yuuki) at Hanadera Academy, "Alice" Born as a male but assumes feminine manners, pronouns and has androgynous looks. Alice is a good-natured and lively young girl whose only issue is that her inner, feminine identity is at odds with her male biological body and typically virile first name, Kintarou. She is a great fan of Sachiko's, and dreamed to be born as biologically female to enter Lilian High School just to be Sachiko's petite sœur. She seems to be good friends with Yuuki, and as a member of the Hanadera Student Council, gets to interact with the Yamayurikai for their respective school festivals. Sachiko's decision to switch the player's genders in the schoolplay at the Lilian Culture Festival overjoys her Alice, since it gives the opportunity for her to act a female part.
