Kirika Kure

Kirika Kure

Age: 14
Gender: Female

Kirika is a rather eccentric, rash girl who is incredibly dedicated to Oriko Mikuni. When it comes to Oriko, Kirika is willing to do anything she asks of, even killing magical girls, or becoming a witch to help her gain an edge in battle. Kirika is kind to Oriko, and often acts similar to a puppy dog in her presence.

To people other than Oriko, Kirika tends to be quieter and even moody. She also has bouts of childishness, such as commenting on how hungry and bored she is when in the middle of fighting with Mami Tomoe. Kirika is also somewhat unstable at times, occasionally laughing madly. She is also very touchy and serious on the subject of love, claiming that people who use terms like "crush" don't understand what "true" love is. Additionally, she hates being called a child, unless the person in question is her dear Oriko.

(Source: The Puella Magi Wikia, edited)
