Kirio Nekoyanagi

Kirio Nekoyanagi

Birthdate: Nov 12
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Hometown: Gunma
Height: 165 cm

Friendly, enthusiastic, and carefree, Kirio is a former rakugoka and self-proclaimed cat alien from space. He loves cats and anything cat-related he can get his hands on; his dedication to cats extends to his speech, where he replaces desu with “denyansu.” He’s a notoriously big and messy eater (a trait that he’s often scolded for by both Kuro and Shoma), and he loves taking catnaps after a good meal. However, his leisurely outlook on life isn’t indicative of laziness; he’s extremely energetic, with stamina that can outpace even Shoma’s, and if inspiration hits him he can will himself back to work in an instant regardless of how tired he is. His seemingly boundless energy stems from his resolve to work as much and as hard as necessary to meet the high standards he sets for himself.

Contrary to his lack of common sense at times, Kirio is extremely intelligent and perceptive. He adopts the cat persona and acts silly intentionally because he loves making people laugh. As both a rakugoka and an idol, he treats his performances surprisingly scientifically; he surveys the audience before getting on stage so he can analyze their expressions and body language and revise his plan accordingly in order to maximize their enjoyment. He enjoys people-watching and can derive a large amount of information about a person without exchanging as much as a word by observing their mannerisms. Kirio finds the idol world fascinating and filled to the brim with inspiration.
