Kotoha Tanaka

Kotoha Tanaka

Birthdate: Oct 5
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Hometown: Tokyo
Height: 157 cm

Kotoha is a very diligent girl with a passion for acting, though she often gets lost in it when doing so. If one had to describe what Kotoha is like in three words, it would be “an honors student”; she's diligent, takes everything seriously, does all work to her absolute best, and she just seems to be perfect at everything. Yet, she actually has low self-confidence. She often says that she has no any real talents (except maybe acting), and she has a somewhat fragile mentality.

This makes Kotoha easily pressured by her work and she accumulates a lot of emotional stress from time to time, to the point that she occasionally breaks into tears.

Fortunately, in those times, her two best friends, Megumi and Elena are often there to comfort her. Kotoha, Megumi, and Elena later form a unit named Tri Star Vision.
