Kouichi Aizawa

Kouichi Aizawa

Birthdate: Jul 31
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Height: 168 cm

Rokujo is 14-year-old classmate who studies nindou under Kumohira. Though he normally has an energetic attitude when around others, he is serious and relentless when it comes to his ninja duties, and is apparently fascinated with death. It is later revealed that his love of death is a result of his own inability to die. His immortality is attributed to the holder of the Shinrabanshou during the Edo Period, who was a medical practitioner, experimenting with placing the wisdom of the Shinrabanshou into animals, since humans usually died. There were only two survivors of the experiments, both of whom gained immortality as a result. Kouichi's ultimate goal is to find a way to die, as well as ensure that "monsters [like himself] are never created again.".
