Lori Jiménez

Lori Jiménez

Age: 13
Gender: Female

Height: 159cm

Coby and Bud's childhood friend. Tired and annoyed by living in the countryside and abiding to her parents' wishes, she dreams of moving to a big city with lots of theaters and fast food restaurants. She has a very strong, dominant and no-nonsense personality, often reprimanding Coby and Bud for their actions and intimidating Transformers - such as Flame Convoy - to the point they become afraid or wary of her. She's also easily confused by technical jargon. However, she's also quite reasonable, making others trust her instincts and consider her exceptionally reliable, with some, like Nitro Convoy even treating her like a family member.

Her and Chromia harbor a mutual distaste for each other that soon develops into an all-out rivalry.
