Mariko Amemiya

Mariko Amemiya

Birthdate: Nov 30
Gender: Female

Nationality: Japanese
Affiliation: Japanese Imperial Royal Guard
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
TSF: Type-82F Zuikaku, Type-94-1C Shiranui

Amemiya Mariko is a First Lieutenant in the Imperial Japanese Royal Guard, with her Imperial Court rank being a hereditary vassal to the Shogun. She is the second in command of Takamura Yui's White Fang squadron—White Fang 2—and a close friend of hers. Amemiya is older than Yui and could be considered a calming influence, but is very precise in her work.

During Yui's participation in the XFJ Program, Amemiya presumably took temporary command of White Fang squadron and continued to support Yui's work on the Type-99 weapon from Japan.
