Meme Kakure

Meme Kakure

Birthdate: Oct 10
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Type: Self-Conscious
Occupation: First-Year High School Student
Debut: Chapter 45

Girlfriend No. 011

Meme is extremely shy, to the point of wearing masks to hide her face in order to avoid drawing attention to herself. She strives to keep her face hidden no matter what. Meme also enjoys knitting, and spends time knitting a lot of little stuffed animals. She uses these stuffed animals for "misdirection", in which she runs away quickly and leaves a stuffed animal as a distraction so no one sees where she went. Meme wears a modest turtleneck beneath her school blazer, and dark pantyhose. She also wears a minimizing bra to conceal the size of her chest.
