Michele Manfredi

Michele Manfredi


Manfredi was one of the few Britannians that did not discriminate against non-Britannians; in fact, he considered Shin Hyuga Shing, an Eleven adopted by a Britannian family, as close to him as any brother, and apparently took an interest in those with oriental backgrounds. As his subordinates are known for their boldness as knights, it is possible that Manfredi was also a bold person.

He was a member of the Knights of the Round in the past, likely succeeding as the Knight of Two. Manfredi commissioned the construction of his personal Knightmare Frame, the Sagramore, shortly before he left the Rounds, as its name was later changed to Vercingetorix while still in development when he left them out of his loyalty to Augusta Henry Velaines , Archduke of Verance, and transfered to Euro Britannia to become the head of the Knights of St. Michael.

(Source: Code Geass Wikia)
