Misako Yagami

Misako Yagami

Gender: Female

She is the biological mother of Yusuke Yagami and wife of Eizo Yagami. A housewife who is very beautiful with wavy brown hair and brown eyes who possesses an extremely attractive and perfect figure that consists of outstanding voluptuous breasts, a slim waist, and magnificent hips. Despite her immense beauty, Yusuke's Mother was completely neglected by her husband Eizo, a workaholic businessman, for several years after their marriage. Driven by fear that Eizo will start cheating on her, Yusuke's Mother seeks help from a bespectacled middle-aged gentleman who is extremely skilled and an experienced master in having sex with women to teach her how to have good sex to regain Eizo's attention and to discourage him from committing adultery.
