Miss Crane

Miss Crane


Miss Crane, actual True Name Tsurume-no-Kimi, is a figure whose core is formed from the crane featured in Tsuru no Ongaeshi (鶴の恩返し, Crane's Return of a Favor) of Japanese folklore. The story follows the common motif of the "grateful animal," specifically the trope of "wildlife helped by a human will bring about a suitable fortune to repay the favor." It is the most famous such story in Japan, telling of a crane who took the form of a human and worked with great devotion towards her benefactor. Going so far as to pluck her own feathers as materials to weave her fabric, she, upon being viewed while working, returned to to the form of a crane and left her benefactor.

Miss Crane as a Servant shares all the traits of the folk tale, but the one difference is that she tailors outfits to completion rather than simply weaving fabric. It is a trait exclusive to her current manifestation as a Servant.
