Mizuki Makabe

Mizuki Makabe

Birthdate: Jan 27
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Hometown: Kanagawa
Height: 160 cm

Mizuki is a girl who rarely shows emotion on her face and she always wears a school uniform when she is not at work. Although Mizuki rarely shows emotion, it doesn't mean that she's emotionless or a cold person. Mizuki has every emotion like other people do and she's definitely not a cold person; in fact, she actually has a kind heart. It’s just that she doesn't know how to express her emotions well, especially smiling, and Mizuki herself really wants to improve that.

Mizuki often appears insecure about not being able to express her emotions fully, feeling as if she isn't fit to be an idol that's supposed to make people smile. She even wanted to delay her first photoshoot by three years because she felt that she wasn't good enough. She works hard to improve this aspect of herself and often gets the help of those in the theater.

Mizuki is also a well-mannered, very serious, and diligent girl, although her seriousness can be quite comical at times. She's also good at puzzles and poker, can do magic tricks, and is quite dexterous. Mizuki often shows off her abilities to others in the theater. Many idols love to see her magic tricks, which usually involve cards, roses and batons. Her sense of humor can be seen as odd, as Mizuki enjoys deadpan humor.
