Mu Dan

Mu Dan

Birthdate: Sep 1
Age: 1000
Gender: Male/Female (Prefers the Male gender)

Race: Tensen
Tao Attribute: Earth
Occupation: Ruler of Kotaku
Affiliation: Lord Tensen

Mu Dan is a member of Lord Tensen, as well as one of the rulers of Kotaku.

Mu Dan has a cheerful, yet very sadistic attitude. He is very blunt with his words and is not afraid to tell his enemies what they want because of the confidence in his own power. Mu Dan views humans as simply research material and "toys" that he can do whatever he wants with. He seems to get along quite well enough with the other Tensens, shown as they were all having a nice conversation. However, he shows no signs of pity for them no matter what. Mu Dan stated that he is a believer in functional beauty and preferres the male gender because there was nothing wasted in its composition.
