Natalie Duclert

Natalie Duclert

Birthdate: Dec 9
Gender: Female

Height: 158 cm (5' 2")
Nationality: French

Natalie Duclert is a French hostess at The Polestar, a restaurant and bar frequented by Yuuya and the rest of Argos flight in Lil Fort, the entertainment district of the Yukon base, and a cheerful and good-natured person.

One of Tarisa's best friends, she loves her like a younger sister. She can be seen in a variety of outfits depending on the mood she's looking to create for her customers, and often puts Tarisa in outfits to tease her as well.

Natalie was originally a refugee from France, but she said that she fled to Canada as a child and doesn't remember much about France itself. She only remembers her days in the refugee camps; these terrible experiences left a lasting impact on Natalie and gave her a new perspective of the world and the dire straits many people were stuck in, and built a kind of enmity in her against those she felt were in power and did nothing to solve those issues.
