Nazuna Nito

Nazuna Nito

Birthdate: Apr 27
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Unit: Ra✽bits
Club: Tennis Club
Circles: ANIMALS, Mystery Researchers

He's cheerful and caring, but when combined with his worrywart tendencies, it means Nazuna often takes on too much. He's doing his best and balancing both his studies at university and his idol activities. His singing voice is a little husky, and despite his small stature, his performances are full of power.

He is a caring individual who at times resembles a doting parent, taking any opportunity to boast about how proud he is of the younger members of Ra✽bits. Nazuna is most motivated when he is able to work hard and is surrounded by others who share the same work ethic, although this, combined with his tendency to worry over his friends’ wellbeing, means he is prone to taking on more work than one person reasonably should.

In contrast to both Tomoya’s pessimistic nature and Hajime and Mitsuru’s childlike optimism, Nazuna is more of a realist, tending to view things from a pragmatic lens. As the oldest and most mature member of Ra✽bits, he has the most experience of both the idol industry and life in general, and so feels that he has a responsibility to look after his juniors. He plays the role of a dependable older brother (going by the nickname “Nii~chan”) and always does his best to support and encourage others, particularly those who are younger or more vulnerable than him.

(Source: Ensemble Stars!! Wiki)
