Nina Yamada

Nina Yamada

Birthdate: Mar 14
Gender: Female

Nina is The Main character and the person that swallowed a magic pearl. She now has Ichii and Zero living in her closet (transformed into a good-sized apartment), and the other teams chasing her constantly. She's falling for both Ichii and Zero, and can't seem to decide between the two.

She's a 12 years old 7th grader girl with an aggressive character and looks for a cute boy that can both protect her and love her. Nina is targeted by many sorcerer examinees because she accidentally swallowed the crystal pearl which, in this case they need that pearl to pass their exam to become a professional magicians. Contacting with Zero and Ichii as Guardian, Nina began to change her mind about them. Her hobby is to stretch, or do sit-ups and is apparently extremely bad at all forms of housework, although she does not seem to realize this.

Nina can also be seen with her two companions in Mermaid Melody, Pichi Pichi Pitch, but only once.
