Nnoitra Gilga

Nnoitra Gilga

Birthdate: Nov 11

Height: 215 cm (7'0½")

Nnoitra Gilga is an Arrancar and the fifth Espada in Sousuke Aizen's army.

He is extremely crude, lecherous, sexist, sadistic, callous, and manipulative, referring to Orihime as "pet" and swears more than any other character in the series. He is very much delusional when he firmly believes in male superiority over females.

He possesses an enormous amount of bloodlust and hunger for combat, that is only rivaled by Kenpachi, the most bloodthirsty and treacherous man in the Soul Society. Nnoitra believes the greatest way to end his life would be on his own two feet, drowning in his own blood, slain by someone with more strength and determination than him.
